Wednesday 28 September 2011

Olivia Palermo the Blogger.
 Brand-spanking-new blog by Oliva herself set to launch sometime next week.
All about Fashion, Books, Movies and Travel.
No room for disappointment.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Birthday Girls.


celebrated birthday(s) with lots of wine, jello-shooters, tequila, home-made goodies... and a turtle on a balcony.

How often do you really get to see friends from your middle/high-school era? Aside from birthdays and special event, obviously not enough. But the strange thing is that i never feel any more distant from them- ever. Despite the hiatus from each other, filling our days "job-huting, interning, actual-working-semi-real-jobs, doodling," theres something about childhood bondage that you can't break.
Go Raiders.